Police Officers Support: Part 2 (Diversity Support Associations)
"Everybody can be great, because anybody can serve."
Martin Luther King Jr.
There are diverse range of support organisations in policing for police officers and staff. You will discover more about them once you are successful in joining the police. This blog series provides an overview for those seriously interested in going through the police assessment centres and applying to join their local force, with information most are unaware of until they join. Part 1 provided insights, history and functions of the Police Federation, the official negotiating body for police officers across England, Wales, Police Scotland and Police Service of Northern Ireland. This blog collates for you the formal associations relating to diversity, specifically in reference to individuals' 'protected characteristics'. Protected characteristics are defined in the Equality Act 2010 and Public Sector Equality Duty; subjects you would do well to become familiar with ahead of your police interview and questions which may arise around your values (a detailed example/practice interview question bank and guidance is provided in our comprehensive Police Success guide!).
![]() AuthorA former Royal Marine, Detective Inspector, and is a qualified coach/mentor. With extensive police experience, Steve also established Rank Success to help officers achieve police promotion. CategoriesAll ArchivesFebruary 2021 |